I walked into my AP European History class and the first thought that entered my head was that I hate these people. Then I thought that they probably hate me too. And who’s to blame for that? Me. I am the one who portrays myself as someone who hates, and then invites the hate upon […]

Value vs. Success

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. ~Albert Einstein Think about it, if you are super successful, but you never learned how to love or be loved, who would be at your funeral? who would offer you help in troubled times? That’s right, no one. Except maybe your lawyer, but […]

Twenty Years From Now

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover. ~Mark Twain Twenty years from now I hope I still post this […]

Create a Change

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. ~Tony Robbins This applies to everything, if you treat people the way you’ve always treated them, then they will continue with the same attitude toward you. If you never try to improve you won’t improve. It can go positively as well, if […]

The Beauty of Dreams

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Eleanor Roosevelt To me this means that if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. But you need to want it bad enough to work for it, to change the future and follow your dreams. And the beauty of […]

Who Are You?

But first the solution to the last challenge, Best Barber: It was obvious that the barbers could not cut their own hair, therefore they must have cut each other’s, making it clear that the barber in the first shop was the better of the two. It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s […]


My life has been a bit chaotic recently. So my posts have been sporatic, and I’m sorry. You guys deserve better, but until I get my life under control, I will be posting on the weekends only. I appreciate your understanding, and I truly am sorry. I’m not going to give you details, because this […]

I dance because…

So normally Kit does this one, but she isn’t feeling the best so I am doing this one. I’m not going to say my name, but people will know it’s me by the quote/picture that I have chose. And that is why I dance. I chose this quote/picture because it perfectly describes the feeling of […]

You laugh, I laugh

I do this all the time. If you see a group of girls, or boys for that matter, who all look, talk, act, and think all the same, what is the first reaction you have to them? Mine is “Where has the world’s imagination gone to?” “ROBOTS!” “I wonder which one of them is only […]

Day by day

I know I’ve been talking about change a lot, but I think it’s necessary. Especially in this modern age when there is so much change around us. And being a teenager, things seem to change more. It has been this way for years past, and will continue in this manner for many to come. You […]