Fremont Sunday Market

College started and one of the things we’ve been doing is “exploring Seattle” Today my roommates and I went down to the Fremont Sunday Market. It was super cool and filled with a whole bunch of different vendors selling homemade items like candles, fudge or jewelry. Other sold beads, stones or lightly used objects. One […]

Time and Tragedy

The thing about time is that it is a completely solitary experience. No two people perceive time in the same way. The concept of time is similar to the concept of pain in that way…

What would be in your last supper?

Definitely potatoes, in all their beautiful forms And I’m assuming that if this is in fact my last supper, weight and dance won’t be worries in the future, so I’d also add pizza and Dr. Pepper I wouldn’t have to worry about my lactose issue either so I’d add a cheesecake Some strawberries that aren’t […]

Racism is Still an Issue

The people at my school insist that racism is not an issue anymore. That it was solved with Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination and that all these current events are just an anomaly. What I don’t think they understand is that racism has been a part of American culture since we were founded in 1776. Slavery, […]