New Years

I’m not sure if I did this last year and spent an entire post on what happened in my life over the past year, but I’m going to do it now. This year has been a really rough year and not because of deaths because I’ve had worse. This year I’ve been really down. School […]

Hannah Olson

This is not going to be a fun blog. Or even my regular time to blog. This is going to be for remembering my friend who died this very day last year. I know it’s been a year and many will say “get over it”. But grief doesn’t work that way. When Hannah killed herself […]


So I was sitting in English class today when the subject of scars came up. The first thing that comes to mind at the word scars is my friend Hannah. I know you guys are probably sick of hearing this, but there is always one event in your life that changes who you are, and […]


My life has been a bit chaotic recently. So my posts have been sporatic, and I’m sorry. You guys deserve better, but until I get my life under control, I will be posting on the weekends only. I appreciate your understanding, and I truly am sorry. I’m not going to give you details, because this […]

Dear Hannah 9

Dear Hannah, I am in a rather inquisitive mood today. Why do we, as a society, make certain expectations that can only be reached by abnormal feats, plastic surgery, or some electronic modifying program? Why do we do this to ourselves? I will ponder on this later, however, because I have better, happier things to […]

Letters to Hannah 8

Dear Hannah, I feel like this is how you felt. When I saw this, my immediate thought was of you and what you said about yourself. I never thought any of this was true. I never thought that you should be sorry, it was your personality that I fell in love with. You were outgoing, […]

Letters to Hannah 7

Dear Hannah, Not much has happened since last I wrote, but my birthday is next Wednesday. We came back from spring break, which was a bittersweet moment. Going back to where my life was crushed, coming from where my life was renewed. I tried to bring that optimism, but I’m not sure that I succeeded. […]

Letters to Hannah 5

Dear Hannah, Today is officially the first day of spring break! I’ve had such a good week this last week, much better than I expected actually. I had all my midterms this week, and I feel like I rocked the world with them. My big presentation went really well, yay! And now I’m packing for […]

Letters to Hannah 3

Dear Hannah, I didn’t write last Friday, and I’m sorry. To make you feel better nothing happened last week. I got a shirt on Tuesday, it has your name on the back. I enjoy writing on the blog, my best friend from Idaho made one too. I feel like if I write enough and reach […]