Letters to Hannah 8

Dear Hannah,

I feel like this is how you felt. When I saw this, my immediate thought was of you and what you said about yourself. I never thought any of this was true. I never thought that you should be sorry, it was your personality that I fell in love with. You were outgoing, energetic, and fun. But you seem to have gotten out of this mess we call a world now.

You would not believe what has happened since you passed. There have been more deaths, shootings, lockdowns, bombings, car crashes, car chases, and everything in between. It has been scary, no more scary than the world before, but we, as a society, have been living in a bubble where nothing uncomfortable or disastrous has been let in (except the Bushes). But now that bubble has popped. There is no turning back. The world must be educated. Education and knowledge can lead to change. If you teach the illiterate and show them the light, then they will make better decisions than their predecessors. This is how the world works.

I think we should start a suicide awareness program or something. Some people just don’t take it seriously until it affects them personally. Then it destroys them. I know there was a life before you, but I just can’t remember it, it couldn’t have been as good as the one with you. As always I still miss you. I wish this had never happened. You were such a great girl.



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